GPS coordinates start: 42.54912, 23.48067Degree of difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆ The surroundings around Pasarel Dam are a wonderful place for a leisurely…
Tag: trails sofia city
Walk from Dolni Pasarel to Peyova Buka hut
GPS coordinates start: 42.53832, 23.49958GPS coordinates final: 42.51723, 23.49091Distance: 2.45 h total (to Peyova Buka hut and back), 8 km…
The panoramic path of Pancharevo
GPS coordinates start / finish: 42.60322,23.40267Distance: 2 h total (the whole circular route), 7.5 km totalDegree of difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆GPS track:…
Why climb Kamen del peak?
Distance to the top – 1.15 h Degree of difficulty – mild Kamen del peak (1,862 m) is a wonderful…