Walk to the Source of Living Water, Bosnek
GPS coordinates start: 42.49657,23.17943GPS coordinates final: 42.52521,23.20261Distance: 2h, 8.4 km (total to the cave and back)Elevation: 51 mDegree of difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆GPS track:The route to the Source of Living Water took…
Ecopath Looking at Nine Mountains
GPS coordinates start: 42.56918,22.80231GPS coordinates final: 42.58597, 22.77688Distance: 2 hours total (to the top and back), 7 kmDegree of difficulty: ★★☆☆☆GPS track: The eco-trail “Looking at Nine Mountains” is an…
The magic of the Tran gorge on the river Erma
Distance: 2.15 h totalGPS coordinates: 42.861681, 22.646332 The eco-trail at the Tran Gorge offers a number of various sights and magnificent views. The gorge is located 3.5 km from the…
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